Atsumu Big Bang

An upcoming big bang focusing on miya atsumu.




I'm Addie, and I'm a writer and a med student. I am always sobbing about deadlines T_T I love this stupid man to bits. This is my checks list never mind the number of events. I'm super excited to work with you all!



Hello, I'm Dragon! This is my 2nd time modding an event. I'm is currently a mod for the Hawks Big Bang, and a beta and writer for many other BNHA, HQ, and DnA events. Atsumu is one of my favorite characters because he's such a dork and he's fun to clown. I'm looking forward to being a mod for this event!


xe/xym, moon/moon

hii i'm ru, at your service! atsumu is my favorite haikyuu character so i'm very excited to work with this bang!!



Hi! I'm Kurise!! I'm a full time uni student and even when I'm drowning in other events, I love this man so much and so I made sure to allot some of my time for him.



hi, i'm bella! sometimes a part-time stressed out psychology student, sometimes a fanfiction writer. i'm involved in way too many fandom events, but i just couldn't pass on the opportunity to show atsumu some more love!



Heya! I'm Cat, full-time procrastinator and part-time high school student who writes fanfiction, sometimes arts, and consumes anime (and anime-related) content in her spare time! I love Atsumu because he's adorably stupid (and stupidly adorable too)! This is my first time modding an event and I'm super hyped for the Atsumu Big Bang!

Interest Check: March 19 - April 30
Moderator Applications: May 1 - May 15
Mod emails sent: May 20
Writer Applications: June 1 - June 30
Artist and Beta Applications: June 1 - July 15
Pinch Hitter Applications: July 1 - July 15

Creation Period: August 1 - December 1

-Minimum word count requirement is 5k.
-If you have a long or multichapter fic, you are only required to have the minimum word count posted by the posting period.
-Please do not use a project that has been posted somewhere else before as we would like the works to be a surprise.

-Must create at least one colored illustration without background.
-Please make sure that the art does not exceed the rating of the fic.

Beta Readers
-Must beta at least one piece.

-Must be able to pinch hit for at least one piece.
-If you are called to pinch hit, you will be contacted through email, but there is no guarantee that you will called.

What is a Big Bang?
A big bang is a fan event where creators collaborate to make fanworks for a specific character, ship, or theme. In a regular bang, writers submit a story idea, betas help edit it, and artists create art based on the story.

What are the requirements?
Everyone is accepted into the event. All skill levels are welcome! The only requirement is that you have a discord and join the server since that is where most of the communication will be conducted.

Are NSFW and mature pieces allowed in this event?
Yes, but only people 18+ will be allowed to work with those, and we will follow AO3 ratings.

Do you have a system in place so adults and minors can be paired according to individual preferences?
Of course! We will take your preferences into account during the contributor applications and summary selections to make sure everyone is comfortable with who they're working with.

What if I have other questions?
Feel free to ask us through our CuriousCat, Twitter, or Tumblr! We are always happy to answer question!